Can fire and ice dance
Without extinguishing the flame
Can they tango
Without melting, dripping like rain
Will the low pressures
Meet the high wind speeds
Creating a funnel
Fueled by need
Can the beauty of the phenomenon
Remain in the clouds
What are the chances of survival
Should it touch down
The elements sometimes fickle
Sometimes hot sometimes cold
Which one will consume the other
Will the ice melt against the fires glow
Or will the frost extinguish
All the warmth the fire could show.
This is more or less an impulsive post. After many years, for the first time, I decided to watch Good Will Hunting. Of course, I'd seen it referenced in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, but I'd never once actually seen the movie. I was quite shocked to see that Robin Williams was in this movie. Although the movie was an award-winning drama and was meant to play at your emotions, the entire time I couldn't help but feel saddened by the absence of Robin Williams in real life.
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