Today I have decided to do what I've seen someone else do on facebook and make a sign with some of the information that I have on my birth mother. The first sign I made actually did not have the correct information on it in regards to my email address that I created just for this purpose, so I had to redo the photo. I've shared it on facebook, twitter, and instagram I'm actually thinking about sharing it on myspace. it may be dead space but it is still a part of the internet and some people actually still use myspace believe it or not. I feel so helpless now as I can only wait and see if anyone comes up with any information. I know that I will be checking every five seconds to see if my other email has received any emails. Although I know that that is torture to check it often I know that as the day progresses all I will be able to do is check to see how many shares my photo has gotten on facebook (2 so far) and see if there are any emails. I know that once this goes viral ...
This is me uncut. Unfiltered. My thoughts, my life.