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God, Why This Assignment?

The very first Christian author I can remember reading is Kimberla Lawson Roby. Even moreso amazing than finding her books is that I can remember exactly what happened. The book was called "Be Careful What You Pray For". I picked it up read the synopsis and decided to buy it. I knew I was starting late in the series but it was still an easy to follow read. Ever since that moment she has been who I looked up to for urban Christian fiction. I am too far behind her releases to catch up at this time but it doesn't change what her books mean to me. Why am I telling you all of this? Well as you may or may not know; I am a Christian Fiction Author!

My First published work sadly was not Christian fiction and to be truthfully honest I hate it and regret ever publishing it or selling it. However, Genevieve Lost is my baby, my pride and joy. I prayed to God for this book, about this book, and allowed him to lead me through the writing of this book. At the time I still wanted to do urban fiction but there was only one problem, Onyx Rosz (my other penname) was not ordained to exist as anything more than a gamertag; I had to follow what God was telling me and discontinue that idea.

Back to the title of this post "Why this assignment?". I've been asking God that question since Genevieve was released. To strictly write and publish as a Christian author is difficult, especially starting out. There is a small joy whenever a book is purchased, but I'd honestly like reviews just as much as sales, but why this assignment? Especially since I honestly feel invisible to family and friends who will like a post but not show supposrt by purchasing a copy of the book. The answer to my question was not what I wanted to hear; His answer was simply "because". Can you believe that? that's all he said. No further explanation just that one word; because. However, it was not his answer was not "because I said so."

The word 'because' like most words has multiple meanings and usages but the one that stuck out the most was "see also reason". God was telling me to look for the reason of the assignment not why it was assigned. Seems a bit asinine but actually it makes perfect sense; I already knew that answer to my question. I started Genevieve Lost out of boredom but eventually kept writing because I wanted to touch the lives of Christians who may be struggling in faith or non Christians who might come to faith. This is the why of the assignment, but it's not the only reason. Because; also means a couple of other things to me. Why? Because I need to grow. Why? Because I need to build my confidence. Why? Because at the end of the day that is what pleases God.

What's your why?


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