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Prosperity and Faith

Every day is a struggle for me, some days more than others. Let's just say that this year is not my financial year and I found myself depressed and angry. In a recent venting session with my boyfriend, I asked this question; Why do the most faithful to God struggle so much?
(followed by this statement) You see all these people doing wrong and seemingly getting by with everything. I know that they will have to answer for it later, but it seems as though they always get a hand up. He lead me to Matthew 5:45 and although that was an answer that served him well it did absolutely nothing for me. However, I did find a passage that would speak so directly to my soul and heart.

What I was looking for, what I wanted was something that showed me God understood exactly where I was coming from. No matter what happens with the unrighteous in the background the foreground seems so much easier and yes, I admit it, I envied it. It felt like all these people around me could see me struggle and not give a helping hand in any capacity. All I could do was cry, I couldn't even call out to God from the tears that were falling. That is until I came across Psalm 73. 
This was exactly how I felt! All along it was right there in black and white for me to read and understand that I'm not the only one who's felt this way. I'd even find my internal thought in scripture as well.
You might be at the point where you are saying this is great Nicki, but it's really not helping much. It just means that someone at some point in the Bible has felt exactly how we have felt. The next few scriptures go on to say that in trying to understand this it just seemed hopeless. I was all too familiar with the feeling of that hopelessness. 
From verses 17 on down to 28, it is nothing but a testimony of God's magnificent presence in our lives. I urge you to pick up your bible and read Psalm 73 in its entirety. It will renew strength and hope in the Lord as well as lift your mood. It did for me.

I want to leave you with this one thing. Every day is a struggle in some form. We don't always have the answer and we don't always get the help we pray for or cry out for. It doesn't mean that God doesn't hear you, He does, it might not be your time to have that work out in your favor, sometimes His answers is simply to wait and trust. In the meantime never forget the words written in Psalm 73. I know I won't.


  1. I needed this. I have recently had to rein myself in for going too too far from God's way, trying to advance my own plans as if I don't know His way is best. But following God "seems" like there are few rewards when we start comparing ourselves to others, especially those who are non-believers. Thank you for pointing me to Psalms 73. It ministered to me immediately.

    1. I'm glad that this passage of scriptures could help you. It really is an eye opener. Thank you for reading.


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