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Sweet dream... Or a beautiful nightmare?

I had three conflicting dreams.  My first dream was that I married my ex boyfriend. That was strange just for the fact that yea he's my ex boyfriend but I'm pretty sure he doesn't see me as wifey material. LoL
My second dream was about me talking to my future husband (which is not my ex boyfriend) about something we had in a common and the conversation was going good until he had to leave and I really didn't want him to go. So he left.
My final dream was the nightmare. I was on a trip with friend and family. Tasha was there Jade Jasmine Josiah Leigh Destiny Tiana Naisha Jordan Tara and my mommy.  It was a cross between a memory of a place and a dream. But we were at Disney World. My mother and I had to go somewhere.  It was raining cats and dogs we took this long street I was driving kind of fast this four lane road turned into two lanes quickly with a death drop off the side and no guardrails we almost went of the side as it turned into one lane panicking I went down the middle of a hill to try to slow down afraid I would skid off the road if I slowed down on it. There wasn't enough hill to stop and over the cliff we went to our doom. Of course I woke up before then but that was the last dream. 
It's so conflicting. The order of them the context of them but not the message. I don't know what to get out of the first dream. Although I wanted to weird my ex out so while sending him a txt this morning I randomly threw a proposal in there. LoL no reply.
The dream with my future husband could mean that he is so close yet so far away and the last dream has so much conflicting information and people in it that don't mesh well that I can only take it to mean that I'm off course and my mommy can't save me. Ugh!


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