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Stop Telling Me To Exercise!

We've all seen the meme above and others like it. Even therapist and psychiatrist suggest that you exercise to combat depression...
I say, f*ck you and your exercise!

One of the most annoying and counterproductive things you can tell a depressed person is to exercise.  I mean...


I'm not saying it doesn't work in general, what I am saying is that when you are clinically depressed it's generally not an option. Some days you feel accomplished moving from your bedroom to the living room couch. Sure you're still laying down but at least you are out of bed. 

Clinical depression makes even the simplest of tasks difficult. Some days, if we aren't emotional eaters it takes all we have just to fix ourselves a sandwich just so we don't die (which ironically is sometimes all we think about in that state). We would all love to be able to get up get out and just exercise our problems away. Truth is the motivation just isn't there. Personally, I have been depressed and needing to get out of the house, so what have I done? Walked around Walmart, or even went to the park just to sit. Walking around Walmart depresses you because of all the things you typically need and can't afford. Or you buy a bunch of things trying to fill a hole only to realize it filled nothing and now you regret purchasing anything at all, only to be too lazy and depressed to return any of it. Sitting outside in the sun seems counterproductive because at the time no matter how much the sun is shining for some reason everything has lost its hue and the world is nothing but grey. 

So please, stop telling me to exercise, often times I'm too depressed to move let alone care. 


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