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Lent part 3

Happy Resurrection day!
I have to admit that my journey through Lent was difficult. I wish that I could say that I made it the entire time but I did not. When I faltered it felt like the end of the world to me and I was hurt. I mean really hurt about it. I felt so much pain and guilt... the beauty of it was that because of my time with God during that time I was able to find comfort in the word of God. I was able to pick up the love I have for myself where I left it, dust it off, and carry on. I pray more and read my word more. I've noticed major growth in myself. Today as I was on that stage with the choir rocking out I realized that the old me was too shy to openly praise God like I did today. The old me was too shy to do more than clap even if she was standing in the back. The old me would have sung just loud enough unsure of her pitch and tone. The old me was afraid under those bright lights even among all of those people around me. The OLD ME didn't leave church still singing, still dancing, The old me didn't dance at the goodness of Jesus wherever and whenever the mood hit. The old me was oh so shy. I'm here to tell you that although I didn't make it through Lent I got exactly what I wanted by observing it. I have a closer relationship with Christ a better understanding an even deeper thirst for the word of God. don't get me wrong I stumble for no one is perfect. I am learning to discern the difference between MY voice, GOD's voice, and the devil's voice. This journey through Lent has been one of the best experiences of my life. I pray that I take what I have learned and apply it from this day forward. I don't plan to be on facebook as much, I still plan to read my bible. Thank you to everyone who has followed my journey, and who has prayed for me along the way. Have a Blessed Resurrection Day!


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